Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution - Justice Assistance Grant
Department: Police/Legal



The Village of Arlington Heights has been selected as a recipient of a Justice Assistance Grant from the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM). The amount of the grant is $39,142.  The end of the grant period is June 30th, 2015.     Pursuant to the Agreement with the DHSEM, it is required that the funds be used solely for the purpose of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Programs.  The program will seek to address the multifaceted challenges surrounding mental health disorders, homelessness and substance abuse, shaped by a partnership between the Village of Arlington Heights Police Department (AHPD) and the Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health.   


CIT Officers and Alexian Brother Staff will seek out potential clients within the community for the purpose of referral to formal treatment so they may lead healthier and more productive lives.  Through referral and treatment with the Alexian Brother staff, clients will learn to help themselves and become self-sufficient members of the community, while the AHPD CIT officers will ensure the effective enforcement of applicable law, consistent with the mission statement of the department.  


A Resolution indicating the Village Board's approval to accept funds from the Cook County DHSEM is required.      




It is recommended that the attached Resolution Accepting a Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $39,142 for the Village of Arlington Heights' Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Program be approved.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Justice Assistance Grant - Crisis Intervention Team ProgramResolution