Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Water Main Replacement Project - Final Balancing Change Order
Department: Public Works

On March 21, 2022, a contract was awarded to Mauro Construction at a total cost of $2,189,878. The FY2022 Budget provided $4,100,000 for watermain replacement projects (the remaining funding was used on a different watermain replacement project). This agenda follows up procedurally as indicated in an earlier project change order memorandum from May 25th of this year to explain a design issue related to short sections (gaps) of water main that were inadvertently omitted from the design of two separate, but connecting projects.    

Recently, the project has been completed and the consulting engineer has measured and reviewed all contract quantities, reviewed with Village Staff, and provided those to the contractor for concurrence. These balancing quantities resulted in an overage as defined below.

The contractual unit prices were applied to address the change order overages referenced. The contractual total overage cost for the additional water main installation was $148,613.38. However, because final project quantities were below the approved contract amount, the actual calculated balancing quantities associated with the project resulted in an overage of $143,768.54 or 6.5% of the total project contract. 

Therefore, the total cost of the project, including this Balancing Change Order was $2,333,647.34, or $143,768.54 over contract award.  This includes a retainage in the amount of $233,364.73, which will be held until next year to protect against any issues that arise between now and next spring. 

Funds for this Balancing Change Order are available in the Capital Projects Fund - Account No. 401-7101-571.50-20 (BL 9603).


It is recommended that the Village Board approve this Final Balancing Change Order for the contract for the Watermain Replacement Project to Mauro Construction, Des Plaines, Illinois, in the amount of $143,768.54 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.