The approved FY2022 Capital Budget includes $50,000 in funding to refurbish the interior of the Dive Squad, vehicle 143. This vehicle is 15 years old and needs to have the shelving and storage area refurbished. The current shelving is constructed from wood and wire racking. The wood has warped and the current shelving no longer meets our needs. Fire department staff is recommending the removal and replacement of the interior shelving and dividers.
This vehicle serves as our dive rescue squad. It houses all of our water rescue equipment and is serving to house equipment from our Technical Rescue Team. Refurbishment of this vehicle will allow for better storage and organization of our rescue equipment. The vehicle is in good mechanical shape and once the interior is refurbished will serve to meet our need into the future.
Due to the special needs of this project, we were limited in companies that could perform this work. We received the following three bids for the work to be completed.
Renewed Performance Company $44,135.89
Alexis Fire Equipment $44,948.00
LDV Custom Specialty Vehicles $82,451.00
Funding for these services is available in the Capital Projects Fund Account No. 401-3501-572.50-15
It is recommended that the Village Board award the contract to refurbish the interior of the dive squad, vehicle 143, to Alexis Fire Equipment and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents. This recommendation is based on total price, quality of workmanship and warranty services.