Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Uptown Beautification - Signage Bid
Department: Planning & Community Development



Previously, a study was presented to the Village Board for the retail commercial corridor, known as "Uptown” along Rand Road, Palatine Road, and Arlington Heights Road. The goal of the study was to create an identity for the area through streetscape and gateway opportunities. The plan sets out to accomplish this by unifying the area, as well as creating a sense of entry and presence to distinguish
between other retail area s. The “Uptown” area represents approximately 24% of the Village’s total sales tax revenue and approximately 28% if automobile sales are not included. The shopping district has seen stiff competition from neighboring commercial areas. After the Village Board accepted the beatification plan, funds were budgeted in TIF V and in the General Fund in order to begin implementation.


One of the enhancement items is gateway signage to be located along the perimeter of the Uptown Shopping District. The gateway signage will be located at the entry points to the area in order to identify the shopping district. The signs were originally proposed within the IDOT right of way. Multiple attempts to place the municipal identity signs within the public right of way have been rejected by IDOT. Since IDOT
would not approve the signage within their right of way, staff developed a plan to place the signs on easements adjacent to the right of way. To accomplish this, easements were obtained from the Park District and the owner of Town and Country shopping center. The five proposed public shopping district identity signs are located on public easements or publicly owned property for the benefit of the Uptown District.


The design of the sign creates a unique and modern aesthetic for a more modern experience. Staff released the project for bid on November 1, 2022. On November 17, 2022 the following four bids were received:


BIDDER BASE BID (5 signs) ALT 1(Landscaping) ALT 2(Maintenance) TOTAL


Michael’s Signs         $80,800                   $68,179                         $6,000                          $154,979


Wester Remac          $156,873                  $57,439                         $5,850                         $220,162


Parvin Claus             $178,325                  No Bid                           No Bid                           $178,325


Fastsigns                 $502,999                   No Bid                          No Bid                           $502,999


References for Michaels Signs were checked and found to be favorable for similar projects in other communities. As part of the project, the contractor will provide landscaping for each ground sign. The cost for the landscaping for the five signs is $68,179. This will bring the total project cost with landscaping and maintenance to $154,979. It is anticipated that the shop drawings will be approved early next year and installation will occur spring or early summer of 2023.




As part of the 2022 budget there is $233,000 available in the TIF V account #264-4001-571.50-30 and $140,400 is available in account #401-4001-571.50-30; therefore, $77,489.50 will be funded from account #264-4001-571.50-30 and $77,489.50 from account #401-4001-571.50-30.





It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Michael’s Signs for the Uptown Signage in the amount of $154,979 from the Rand Road Corridor Identification Enhancement funds.  The project would be funded from account #264-4001-571.50-30 and account #401-4001-571.50-30.


The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets the specifications.  

Uptown Ground Sign ElevationExhibits