The Police Department is requesting a change to the Village Code as it pertains to certain traffic related penalties, specifically 18-307 Negligent Driving, 625 ILCS 5/12-603.1 (Seatbelt Violations), or the Child Passenger Protection Act, 625 ILCS 25/1, et seq. as adopted by reference in Section 18-102 of the Village Code.
Penalties for these sections have remained largely unchanged over their existence as local ordinance violations. Penalties of these or similar violations under State of Illinois statute carry significantly higher fines, being at least three times the current fine imposed by the Village and subject to considerable court fees if contested. Additionally, enforcement of these violations seeks to gain future voluntary motorist compliance. Fines not commensurate with the severity of the violation tend to lessen the effect of the enforcement activity, leading to potential repeat violations. The Police Department recognizes negligent driving as a high risk driving behavior which increases the probability of becoming involved in a motor vehicle crash. Negligent driving can lead to increased property damage, injuries or even fatalities. Similarly, failure of drivers or occupants to properly restrain themselves while driving increases the risk of severe injuries or even death in the event of a motor vehicle crash. The Police Department is requesting a $15 increase (from $25 to $40) to violations of these sections to assist in traffic compliance efforts.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the proposed amendment to Chapter 18, Article II, Section 18-222 - Penalties of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code.