Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Lead Services Supplies - Contract Award
Department: Public Works

The approved Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $100,000 for the funding of water service materials to replace lead service lines. Staff has developed an in-house program to replace over 100 lead service lines annually, that are only on the public side of the service.  

Village Staff has developed and advertised a public bid for this project. This bid was designed to provide competitive pricing for water service materials that Staff will install. The materials should be sufficient enough to replace over 100 partial lead water services.
On December 20th, three bids were publicly opened and read aloud, which are listed below:
BIDDER                          TOTAL BID
Water Products Company $92,098.00
Ziebell Water Service Products, Inc.               $92,165.00
Mid-American Water (partial bid only) $70,003.70

The apparent lowest responsive bid received was from Water Products Company at a total cost of $92,098. While Staff has utilized Water Products Company in the past, they were unable to meet the delivery date requirements specified in the bid documents.  Additionally, following the award of this contract to them in 2022, they failed to meet product delivery requirements. The partial bid provided by Mid-America does not include copper piping.  The vendor was not willing to commit to pricing due to the material pricing volatility. 


Therefore, Staff is recommending award of a contract to the lowest pricing by a vendor meeting all bid requirements, to Ziebell Water Service Products, Inc., Addison, Illinois at total cost of $92,165 ($67 more that the low bid).  


Account No. 506-7201-571.50-15 (EQ2303) has sufficient funds for this purchase.


It is recommended that the Village Board award the Water Service Materials contract to Ziebell Water Service Products, of Addison, Illinois, in the not-to-exceed amount of $92,165 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.