America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) states that community water systems serving more than 3,300 people must develop and update the security assessments of their facilities. As part of this plan, security fencing is recommended around the Village’s water facilities. One of Public Works facilities is known as the Hydropillar and is located behind Fire Station #3 and shares an access point. The Hydropillar is located at 2000 S. Arlington Heights Road. Although, the Hydropillar is not a high security risk, recent trespassing concerns have made it a priority for Staff.
In order to expedite the request, Staff sought direct quotes from three reputable and competent fence vendors that have been used in the past. The pricing is as follows:
Durabuilt Fence, Wheeling, IL $40,550
Action Fence Contractors, Inc., Mundelein, IL $45,550
American Fence Professionals, Arlington Heights, IL $47,631
Staff recommends waiving competitive bidding and proceeding with the lowest quote received from Durabuilt Fence of Wheeling, IL.
The 2023 Water & Sewer Budget includes $280,000 for the implementation of various phases of the Risk & Resiliency Plan; however, this specific project was not included in that figure and Staff recommends approving a budget amendment in the amount of $40,600 to Account 505-9001-571.50-25 (WA2101) from Operating Contingency 505-9901-591.40-96.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding and approve the Hydropillar & Fire Station #3 Fencing project to Durabuilt Fence of Wheeling, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $40,550 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents. It is also recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance amending the 2023 Budget by transferring $40,600 from Water Utility Contingency to the Risk & Resiliency Plan (WA2101).