Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Agreement - Firefighters Association, Local 3105, I.A.F.F. (2023-2025)
Department: Human Resources

A new collective bargaining agreement with the Arlington Heights Firefighters Association, Local 3105, I.A.F.F. is attached for approval. This new agreement was reached utilizing the Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) process, which we have been using since 1999. Both sides again found the IBB process to be a significant improvement over traditional collective bargaining. The new agreement is for three years, with an expiration date of December 31, 2025. This Agreement has been ratified by the Firefighters.     


Due to the fact that this is a mature contract and that the parties have a long history of working together, there were a few changes from the previous contract. We have cleaned up language throughout the contract, and have agreed on revising and enhancing the promotional Fire Lieutenant testing process.


The parties agreed to salary schedule adjustments of 3.5% for 2023, 3% for 2024, and 3.2% for 2025. In addition to prepare for impending retirements, the parties agreed to implement a Retiree Health Savings account for all union members with an employee only contribution, and enhanced the sick time conversation into paid medical insurance for the least expensive plan at the time of retirement.


Consistent with settlements for the last several contracts with the IAFF where the contract was voluntarily agreed-upon prior to its expiration date, the union members will receive a signing bonus.  An additional paid Holiday has been awarded which is consistent with the Police contract. Finally in recognition for working diligently during the Covid pandemic, a one-time Covid bonus will be awarded to all union members. 


If any Board member has any questions at the meeting about the contract, a Closed Session should be requested for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining matters.     



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance Approving an Agreement between the Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Heights Firefighters Association, Local 3105, I.A.F.F. with an expiration date of December 31, 2025.

IAFF CBA 2023-2025Agreement