The Village owns and operates four parking garages: the Municipal Parking Garage, Vail Street Parking Garage (TIF 1), North Parking Garage (TIF 2), and Evergreen Parking Garage.
Included in this year's Capital budget is $940,000 for the re-assessment of the four garages and necessary repairs and waterproofing. The Village has used Walker Consultants since the beginning of the Parking Garage Rehabilitation Program and has been satisfied with their level of detail and understanding of parking garage construction as shown in past improvements.
Staff met with Walker Consultants to establish a scope and negotiated fee. Walker Consultants provided a not-to-exceed fee of $112,000 for the initial assessments, design, and construction inspection of the 2023 Program.
Staff has found the work produced by Walker Construction over the past 10 years to be detailed and thorough and recommends approval of the Agreement with revised date of January 5, 2023, to provide the defined professional services required for the 2023 Parking Garage Maintenance Program.
Funding for these services is available in Account No. 235-7101-571.50-25
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution and award the Professional Engineering Services as described above to Walker Consultants in the amount not-to-exceed $112,000 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.