Item Coversheet

Item: Furnishing of aggregate materials, certain trucks and disposal of debris
Department: Public Works



In August of 2011, the Village Board awarded a two-year contract to C.C. Cartage for the furnishing of aggregate materials, certain trucks, and disposal of debris. That bid was awarded based on the competitive bid unit prices. Last year this contract was extended for a single year with no increase in pricing. C.C. Cartage has submitted a letter requesting an increase of .95% to the original prices submitted in 2011 in the initial contract. Public Works is requesting a final one-year contract extension as permitted in the 2011 contract.


Since the base bid was awarded three years ago, there have been no increases in C.C. Cartage’s rates.  We believe that an increase of one half the CPI (.95%), as permitted in the original bid specifications, is warranted for this final one-year extension.


The aggregate materials included in this bid are used for various street, sewer and watermain repairs.  The semi-dump truck is used to haul snow, street sweepings, debris, excavated materials and building demolition debris to disposal sites on an as-needed basis.  The lowboy trailer truck is used occasionally to haul Village-owned equipment within the Village and to out of town repair facilities on an as-needed basis.  Rental of these trucks is more cost effective than owning and operating the units.  While the total costs are dependent on the actual quantities used, Public Works expenditures will not exceed the total budgeted amount of $475,000.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a second one-year contract extension to C.C. Cartage Inc. of Lake Zurich, IL for the furnishing of aggregate materials, certain trucks, and disposal of debris with an increase of .95% to the original unit prices and original contract terms received from C.C. Cartage Inc. in 2011 and authorize execution of all necessary documents. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the contract extension meets specifications.

Bid Section

Item:Furnishing of aggregate materials, certain trucks and disposal of debris
Bid Opening Date:Contract extension
Account Numbers:101-7101-531-2136, 2162, 3190 (Public Works) 505-7201-561-2136, 2162, 3190 (Water and Sewer)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$ 190,000 (Public Works) $ 285,000 (Water and Sewer)
Bid Amount:$475,000