Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: AT&T Complete Link Renewal - Master Discount Agreement and Resolution
Department: Public Works

The Village of Arlington Heights presently utilizes numerous Plain Old Telephone Services (POTS) or copper telephone lines. These lines act as backups to our numerous critical facilities and offer continuous communication in the event of power outages and other related computer infrastructure problems.


AT&T Complete Link is a Master Discount Agreement with AT&T. The Village's current Master Discount expires in March of 2023. The monthly costs for these backup lines are roughly $7,000 per month and could exceed $21,000 per month without the Master Agreement. This Agreement is for 24 months.

Funding for the Telecommunications expenditures are provided within the Public Works Account No. 101-7101-522700.


It is recommended that the Village Board approve the AT&T Complete Link Renewal - Master Discount Agreement with AT&T for a 24-month term and approve the attached related Resolution and authorize the Village Manager to execute all necessary documents for such commitment.

AT&T Complete Link Renewal - Master AgreementAgreement
RESOLUTION Approving AT&T Complete Link Renewal - Master AgreementResolution