The approved 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $4.1 million in funding for Water System Improvements, necessary to complete the Annual Water Main Replacement Program to replace aging water mains throughout the Village. The Public Works Department evaluates and prioritizes water main replacement based on defect severity, occurrence interval of failures, service reliability, neighborhood impacts, associated capital construction projects, and other related parameters. This year’s project proposes the replacement of over 13,000 linear feet of water main.
The bid document included a Base Bid and four Alternates. The Alternates included other sections of water main replacement throughout the Village to leverage potential available funds to maximize cost savings from economies of scale and areas of water main improved. Based on the pricing received and available budget, Staff recommends the award of the Base Bid and one Alternate (Alternate #3).
This project was duly advertised and seven different bid proposals were publicly opened on February 21, 2023. Mauro Sewer was the lowest responsible bidder, with the Base Bid and Alternates. The Village’s design engineer has reviewed the contractor’s qualifications and references and recommends Mauro Sewer.
Staff requests that the Village Board award a contract to Mauro Sewer, in an amount not-to-exceed $3,839,859.49, (Base Bid @ $3,698,936.49 and Alternate #3 @ $140,923.00). The bid amount is under the engineer’s estimate, which was based upon last year's awarded unit prices and within budget.
Mauro Sewer $3,698,936.49 $140,923.00 $3,839,859.49
Gerard Sewer and Water $3,811,795.65 $184,778.50 $3,996,574.15
Holiday Sewer and Water $4,900,000.00 $300,000.00 $5,200,000.00
J. Gongdon Sewer Service $4,427,236.00 $190.902.23 $4,618,138.23
John Neri Construction $4,537,718.08 $161,909.00 $4,699,627.08
ALamp Concrete $4,798,757.63 $208,681.00 $5,007,438.63
Boulder Construction $5,920,065.80 $325,020.00 $6,245,085.80
Funds for these improvements are available in Account No. 505-9001-550250 (WA9001).
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the Water System Improvements required for the Annual Water Main Replacement Program to the lowest responsible bidder, Mauro Sewer of Des Plaines, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $3,839,859.49, for the Base Bid and Alternate #3, and authorize the execution of the necessary documents.