Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Storage Tank Improvements - 222 N Ridge - Design & Construction Observation Services - Award
Department: Public Works

The 2023 approved budget includes $1,816,800 for the Village's annual water tank maintenance program. This program is designed to evaluate and maintain the structures that provide the roughly 31 million gallons of water the Village has in storage.


During the last evaluation of the 2-million gallon tank at 222 N. Ridge Avenue, it was determined that significant structural repairs were necessary.  The estimated cost associated with the repairs was in excess of $3,000,000.


As a result, the large tank (2-million gallon) has been evaluated by Staff and Engineering Consultants and was determined that the necessary repairs are cost prohibitive.  Based on these critical evaluations of the Village’s current and future water supply needs, average daily consumptions, and maximum daily consumptions, both the engineer and staff agree that decommissioning this tank is the most cost-effective path, with little to no impact on the Village’s water reserve. 


To validate this idea, Staff requested a water model with a different consultant to evaluate water storage demand and critical transmission line size. This analysis also determined the tank's storage and specific location were not appropriate for current demand.

Tank decommissioning will require underground piping improvements necessary to redirect water to/from the appropriate remaining storage tanks.  Therefore, it will be critical for the design and specifications to be accurate and comprehensive to minimize the potential for change orders during this part of the construction phase. Initial estimates to complete the demolition work is approximately $350,000.

The small tank (1-milllion gallon) requires sand blasting and painting of the interior and exterior. This will also be included in this year's program.

Staff pursued proposals from numerous engineering firms to perform the design and oversight required for this project. Staff is recommending Robinson Engineering for this project, because of their familiarity with the Village’s water system and their expertise and qualifications required for this specific scope of work. Robinson Engineering has previously provided engineering design and specification services for the Village on previous water tank rehabilitation projects, and staff has been satisfied with their services. 
Robinson Engineering Ltd., will prepare bid specifications with appropriate detailed plans, and facilitate a pre-bid meeting for project coordination and clarification to potential contractors. Services will also include bid evaluations and preliminary contractor research to provide a bid recommendation, and construction observation during the project. The cost for Robinson Engineering, Ltd.’s engineering related services is $143,637. The available budget for the project is $1,816,800.
Funding for these services is available in Account No. 505-9001-550250 (WA1101).
It is recommended that the Village Board award a professional services contract for design, bid assistance, and construction observation services to Robinson Engineering, Ltd., in the amount of $143,637 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.