Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Engineering Plan Reviewer/Private Development Inspector Professional Services - Contract Extension
Department: Public Works



In 2022, the Village requested proposals from twelve (12) qualified professional engineering consultants to provide Engineering plan review and private development inspection services. On March 21, 2022, a one-year contract was awarded to Engineering Resource Associates (ERA) with the option to extend the contract for up to three (3) one-year extensions.  Staff has been satisfied with the services provided by ERA.  The maximum hourly rates for 2023, the first one-year extension, are summarized below:



            PROPOSAL                                       HOURLY RATE          OVERTIME RATE

Engineering Resource Associates, Inc.              $118.00/hr.                 $118.00/hr.


Funding for these services is available in Account No. 101-7101-520050



It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension to Engineering Resource Associates of Warrenville, Illinois, for Engineering Plan Reviewer/Private Development Inspector
services, in an amount not to exceed $155,000, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.