Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Bluebeam Studio Prime + Revu contract
Department: ISD/I.T. Division

The Village is in the process of implementing the EnerGov module of the Tyler Technology Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system.  This EnerGov Permitting & Licensing module makes it easy to submit permit applications, view files and attachments, review resubmittals, issue new permits, and check submittal statuses on multiple devices.  The Village’s current process of submittal and plan review contains some manual and paper-based processes.  The new EnerGov module is poised to allow the Village to process permits almost entirely online.  A critical component of the new online plan reviews is the purchase of an ancillary piece of software named Bluebeam.  Bluebeam software is independent of Tyler and widely used by the engineering and construction industry for plan submittals and review.  Tyler EnerGov integrates closely with Bluebeam software to provide cloud-hosted plan markup and review of engineering and construction documents.  The Bluebeam software provides a centralized place to create, annotate and share documents so Village staff and the submitting party can remotely collaborate in real-time.  The paid version of Bluebeam offers the following advantages over the free version:

•             Adding  comments to drawings

•             Signing documents electronically

•             Adding stamps

•             Measuring things like lengths, areas, etc.

•             Comparing two versions of the same files

•             Filling forms

The Village received a quote from CADD Microsystems, of Alexandria, Virginia in the amount of $29,339 to license approximately forty Village employees for the paid version of the Bluebeam Software.  Funds are available and have been budgeted in I.T. Account 625-0601-550100 - project string EQ1904-EQUIP-HW/SW



It is recommended that the Village Board award the Bluebeam Studio Prime + Revu contract to CADD Microsystems, of Alexandria, Virginia, in the not-to-exceed amount of $29,339 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.