A capacity sewer study was conducted by the Village's sewer consultant RJN Group, Inc. for the South Arlington Heights Road Corridor. The report identified several sewer sections that do not have capacity to handle normal wet weather flows.
As a follow up to the study, the Village conducted smoke testing to identify low-cost alternatives to improve capacity, but no significant leaks were found. To better monitor the conditions, Staff has installed numerous Smart Covers that provide real time data to aid in future modeling efforts.
Staff is attempting to meet the schedule demands of potential developers and have received preliminary approval from Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) for a sanitary upsizing of one of the Village's main sanitary sewers. The sewer is located along Algonquin Road and discharges to a MWRD interceptor in Mount Prospect.
The next step in the process is to perform preliminary engineering to determine the most cost-effective means of adding capacity and the most logical path of this sewer. The preliminary design will also evaluate the feasibility of various construction methods and provide preliminary costs of construction.
RJN has submitted a proposal to complete the necessary preliminary engineering in an amount not-to-exceed $59,500. RJN has been working on the Village's Sanitary Sewer modeling and regulatory compliance for years. Staff has been satisfied with their work and recommends approval.
Funds for these services are available in Account Numbers 267-4001-550250 ($44,625) South Arlington Heights Road TIF, and 263-4001-520050 ($14,875) TIF 4.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the preliminary design agreement with RJN Group, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $59,500 and approve the attached Resolution relating to this agreement.