The Fiscal Year 2023 approved budget for Building Maintenance Services includes a line item of $260,000 for custodial services at eight primary municipal facilities. These locations have been designated as: Village Hall, Police Department, Senior Center, Train Station (Downtown), Train Station (Arlington Park), Fire Station #2 Administration, Public Works, and the Historical Museum.
Historically, the Village utilized three contracts for the custodial services at municipal facilities. Staff sorted primary facilities into two contractual groups that shared similar cleaning needs, and floor care was entirely separate from either of those contracts. For this upcoming contract cycle, Staff combined the three contracts to streamline performance feedback, manage consistency in service, simplify billing, and find cost savings. Further, the scope of services within this contract clearly defines service intervals and times specific to each of the eight Village facilities, since each building serves a unique function.
The Village invited five custodial contractors for a mandatory pre-proposal walkthrough of the buildings to clarify all contract language and establish expectations. Contractors were given two weeks to prepare and submit their proposals to the Village by March 3, 2023. The Village received the following proposals:
SW Cleaning Service $179,724
Crystal Maintenance $196,800
Vega Building Maintenance $227,880
Complete Cleaning $250,467
While SW Cleaning was the lowest price, their proposal was non-responsive to items and did not meet minimum specification requirements. Therefore, Staff is not recommending their proposal.
Staff has been satisfied with the custodial services provided by Crystal Maintenance Service in the past and recommends the approval of a one-year contract with five possible one-year extensions. Staff is requesting a one-year contract as opposed to the typical three-year contract to evaluate the new size and scope of the contract to determine if it is advantageous to the Village and higher service levels are recognized.
Funds are available for these services in Account No. 101-7101-521110.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract for custodial services at the municipal facilities to Crystal Maintenance Services of Mount Prospect, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $196,800 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.