The 2023 Public Works Operating Budget includes $332,500 for contractual landscape maintenance. Secondary Landscape Maintenance accounts for $94,500 of this annual budget. The Secondary Landscape Maintenance contract covers weekly flower and shrub bed maintenance, tree grate and ring maintenance, and litter pickup at 17 public facilities throughout the Village.
Staff currently utilizing a 39-week cycle during the year to include the maintenance needs. On April 6, 2020, a three-year contract was approved with Flecks Landscaping of Wheeling, IL, for Secondary Landscaping. Per policy, successful contractors can be permitted up to three one-year contract extensions with Village Board approval. Staff has been satisfied with Flecks efficiency and quality of work.
Staff is requesting approval for the first of three possible one-year contract extensions. This extension would begin in April 2023 and end in March 2024. The contractor has offered to extend the contract without an increase in price.
Funds are available in Account No. 101-7101-521550.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension for Secondary Landscaping to Flecks Landscaping of Wheeling, Illinois, per original contract terms, and authorize Staff to execute necessary documents.