Requested Action
1. Land Use Variation to allow a Storage Facility along a Major Arterial in the M-2 District.
Variations Required
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on February 8, 2023 where Commissioner Ennes moved and Commissioner Lorenzini seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#22-015, a Land Use Variation to allow a storage facility along a major arterial in the M-2 District.
This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:
1. The petitioner shall continue to negotiate in good faith with the property owner to the west to finalize cross access through the property to the west (415 W. Golf Rd. – Golf Corporate Center) generally consistent with Exhibit A. A perpetual cross-access easement through the property to the west should be signed by both parties prior to consideration of this project by the Village Board of Trustees, but in no case shall be provided later than building permit issuance for this project. If this cannot be achieved, the site shall be redesigned with right-in/right-out access from Golf Road with approval from IDOT and to the satisfaction of the Village, or an amendment to the LUV may be required.
2. The petitioner shall continue to work with staff and the neighboring property owner on an acceptable cross connection to the east with regards to emergency vehicle circulation and landscaping.
3. The existing pathway on the adjacent property to the west shall be removed and replaced with landscaping, subject to neighboring property owner agreement.
4. The development shall comply with all Village and MWRD permit requirements.
5. Any work within the Golf Road ROW is subject to applicable IDOT review and approval.
6. Exterior storage of items (boats, RV’s, etc.) is not permitted and the rental of vehicles (trailers/hitches, trucks, etc.) is not allowed
7. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Ennes, Lorenzini, Green, Jensen, Sigalos, and Chair Dawson voted in favor. Motion carried.