The I.T. server room in Village Hall houses two of the village’s three internet connections, the village’s main VMWare virtual server environment and numerous other critical servers and network devices.
Currently the UPS battery backup system in the Village Hall server room can only keep the servers online during a power outage for a short amount of time. In the last several years, on at least two separate occasions, the generator has not been able to provide power to the server room during a power outage, and the village was forced to immediately shutdown various servers and network systems which critically challenged the village’s I.T. infrastructure. In both cases there were various electrical components that failed. In order to maintain continuity of operations during a power outage, I.T. identified a need to have a more powerful UPS battery backup.
In consultation with Public Works, it was determined that a larger UPS battery backup system would give Public Works and I.T. more time during an emergency to try to identify why power is not being provided to the I.T server room. Having a more powerful UPS would provide additional hours of battery run time and keep the village’s network and servers running; while solutions are being explored to remedy the problem.
The Village consulted with and received a quote from Quality Power Solutions out of Madison Wisconsin for a new Eaton UPS Battery Backup, a Bypass Panel and onsite startup service totaling $31,991. They have been a responsible vendor to other Illinois municipalities in the past and have been determined to be very knowledgeable about power and UPS backups.
Funds are available in the capital project fund.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the purchase of the aforementioned UPS battery backup system for a total cost of $31,991.00 from Quality Power Solutions, Madison, WI. It is also recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance amending the 2023 Capital Projects Fund Budget in the amount of $32,000.