Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Asphalt Restoration 2023 - Contract Extension
Department: Public Works

Annually, the Public Works Department anticipates pavement restoration of utility excavations and contractual street and sidewalk maintenance of needed roadway repairs. This year, the approved budget has allocated $265,000 from the General Fund and $250,000 from the Water Enterprise Fund to complete this work.


On April 6, 2020, a three-year contract was approved with Schroeder Asphalt of Huntley, Illinois for Hot Mix Asphalt and restoration services. Per Village policy, successful contractors can be permitted up to three one-year extensions with Village Board approval. 


The contractor has offered to extend the contract with a price increase of 2%, which is within contract terms.


Staff has been satisfied with the quality of work provided by the contractor and is requesting approval for the first of three possible one-year contract extensions.  This extension would begin in April, 2023, and end in April, 2024.


Funds are available for the material and services in Account Nos. 505-7201-521300 (Water & Sewer) and 101-7101-521150 (Streets).




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the one-year contract extension for Asphalt Restoration to Schroeder Asphalt of Huntley, Illinois, at unit bid prices, up to the budgeted amount, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.