Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Speed Limit Ordinance, Various Streets
Department: Public Works



The Engineering Division has recently been contacted by residents about a lack of speed limit signs on these roadway segments:


-          S Forrest Ave between E Northwest Hwy & E Kensington Rd

-          N Douglas Ave between E Ivy Ln & E Hintz Rd


Both road segments are approximately .5 miles long.  Currently, Forrest Ave. has only three (3) signs (two southbound and one northbound), and Douglas Ave. has no posted speed limit signs. Public Works will coordinate installation of additional signs as necessary.


During Staff’s inspection, it was noted that Forrest Ave. is currently posted at 25 mph and Douglas Ave. currently warrants a 25 mph speed limit posting.  Establishment of a 25 mph speed limit on a Village roadway requires a traffic study that warrants the speed and an ordinance.


While investigating the two road segments listed above, Staff found that there were numerous road segments that had been historically established at 25 mph as well, but without reference in any ordinance that could be located by staff.  Therefore, because no ordinance could be located that references the road segments listed below as being approved for the reduced speed limit, staff will be requesting that all the road segments listed above and below be included in this ordinance.  

Existing 25 mph road segments without ordinance:


-          E Ivy Ln between N Arlington Heights Rd & N Burke Dr,

-          E Oakton St between N Dunton Ave & N Waterman Ave,

-          N Chicago Ave between W Northwest Hwy & W Clarendon St,

-          N Dunton Ave between W Euclid Ave & W Thomas St,

-          N Harvard Ave between W Northwest Hwy and W Oakton St,

-          N Lafayette St between N Verde Dr and N Alleghany Dr,

-          N Race Ave between W Northwest Hwy & W Oakton St,

-          N Salem Ave between 200ft south of W Elm St & W Oakton St,

-          N Verde Dr between W Palatine Rd and W Alec St,

-          N Yale Ave between W Northwest Hwy & W Thomas St,

-          S Gibbons Ave between E Northwest Hwy & E Grove St,

-          W Oakton St between N Wilke Rd and N Dunton Ave,

-          W Lexington Dr between N Verde Dr and W Roanoke Dr,





It is recommended that the attached ordinance designating 25 mph speed limits for the Village roadway segments listed be approved.
