The 2023 Budget includes $345,446 for the testing and repair of large water meters. It is important to regularly test and confirm meter function; accuracy with large meters. Unmetered water costs the Village money and negatively impacts required IEPA reporting results. As a result, the Village contracts out the testing and repair of 60% of the largest use meters. These meters are typically 2" to 12" in size, and due to high volume, have excessive wear on their components. This ongoing work has historically served to maximize the accuracy of our larger water meters for accountability and billing purposes.
On May 25, 2023, a public bid opening was held and two bids were opened and read aloud. The following bids were received:
HBK Water Meter Services $226,420
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. $519,200
HBK Water Meter Service Inc. submitted the lowest responsible bid. Staff has worked with HBK regularly in the past and finds that their work has been exceptional. Therefore, Staff recommends entering a three-year contract with HBK Meter Service.
Funding for these services is available in Account No. 505-7201-521350.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a three-year contract for Water Meter Testing and Repair to HBK Meter Service, Inc. of Rolling Meadows, Illinois, in the amount of $226,420 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.