The 2023 Budget includes $193,000 for the testing and repair of backflow devices. The backflow device service contract covers the testing and repair of over 1,450 Village maintained backflow devices.
Backflow devices are a required plumbing fixture, typically installed in a commercial building and in residential irrigation applications. The IEPA and Illinois State Plumbing Code require these devices to prevent potential for back-siphonage into the public water supply. This service ensures the protection of the water distribution system from potential cross connections and contamination, by having licensed technicians properly test and report all of these Village-owned devices.
On May 25, 2023, a public bid opening was held and three bids were opened and read aloud. The following bids were received:
Alpine SAP, Inc. $117,350
Taylor Plumbing Inc. $133,420
HBK Water Meter Service, Inc. $249,175
Alpine SAP, Inc. submitted the lowest responsible bid. It has been several years since Staff has worked with this vendor, and during that time, much has changed with this program. As a result, Staff met with representatives from Alpine to verify their understanding of new processes and Village expectations. Staff feels comfortable with the outcome of those discussions, and therefore, recommends entering a three-year contract with Alpine SAP, Inc. The remainder of the budget will be utilized for parts needed during repair.
Funding for these services is available in Account No. 505-7201-531020 ($31,000) and Account No 505-7201-521350 ($162,000).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a three-year contract for Backflow Devices Testing and Repair to Alpine SAP, Inc. of Elmhurst, Illinois, per contract terms up to the budgeted amount, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.