The 2023 Capital Improvement Plan includes $920,400 for parking garage rehabilitation. A public bid was held on May 4th, 2023, and eight contractors submitted pricing. The bid tabulation is shown below. Total pricing includes work at all four parking structures and two alternative prices for optional traffic marking painting for the Vail and North Garages.
2023 will also be a unique year for parking garage maintenance efforts. In previous years, maintenance was limited to one garage per year. This year, all four parking structures throughout the downtown will receive maintenance that aggressively addresses cracks, leaks, spalls, scaling, and joint sealant deterioration.
Due to the size of this year's program, there will be numerous traffic and parking phases in each garage, where sections of the garage will need to be closed for construction, displacing residential and commuter parking. Another challenge confronting construction efforts is Arlington Alfresco. The Vail Garage, which requires most of the maintenance work, will commence when Alfresco and Harmony Fest conclude so that event parking remains unaffected. Public Works staff will work with the Village Parking Committee on best disseminating this information to all of the Village's parking customers.
On May 1, 2023, a public bid opening was held and eight bids were opened and read aloud. The following bids were received:
BIDDER TOTAL BID (4 Structures)
Hammer Construction $ 891,755.00
J. Gill & Company $ 934,558.00
Mertes Contracting Corp. $ 973,902.00
Western Specialties Contractors $1,011,785.00
National Restoration Systems, Inc. $1,055,665.00
JLJ Contracting, Inc. $1,208,370.00
Golf Construction $1,213,275.00
LS Contracting Group, Inc. $1,245.470.35
Hammer Construction of East Dundee, Illinois, was the lowest responsible bidder. While the Village of Arlington Heights has not previously worked with Hammer Construction, Walker Consultants has recommended them for the project based on their previous work experiences. Therefore, staff recommends award to Hammer Construction at a total bid cost of $891,755.
Funding for this project is available in Account Number:
The Village Board is recommended to award the 2023 Parking Garage Maintenance contract to Hammer Construction of East Dundee, Illinois, for a total cost of $891,755 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.