Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Intersection Control Improvements-W. Olive Street Corridor Ordinance
Department: Public Works



Following an accident that occurred on May 4, 2023 at the intersection of N Mitchell Avenue & W Olive Street, the Engineering Division, received a number of requests for an Engineering study and an All Way Stop Sign for the above-mentioned uncontrolled intersection. Although this specific intersection did not meet the criteria for all way traffic control, the entire W Olive Street corridor from N Arlington Heights Road to N Ridge Avenue, was analyzed for alternative solutions based on Engineering judgment.


After close consideration a new arrangement was developed. It includes:


-          Implementing Two Way Stop Signs at the intersections of

·         N Chestnut Ave stopping for W Olive St

·         W Olive St stopping for N Mitchell Ave

-          Implementing a Stop Sign at the T intersection of

·         W Olive St stopping for N Ridge Ave

-          Replacing current Yield signs with Two Way Stop Signs at the intersection of

·         N Vail Ave & W Olive St


The proposed solution would create a predictable and intuitive “basket-weave pattern” for this corridor between N Ridge Avenue & N Arlington Heights Road, and each driver driving in the east/west direction will have stops every two blocks.  The Engineering Division has successfully implemented these stop sign changes in similar neighborhoods such as Rec Park, along Magnolia West of Arlington Heights Road and along Grove Street west of Prospect High School and observed the desired results.  


This proposal does not change the existing traffic pattern but merely improves the current situation by adding additional stop control.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve an Ordinance designating Stop Signs at the above intersections.

Ordinance - Stop Signs-W Olive Street CorridorOrdinance