Previously, a study was presented to the Village Board for the retail commercial corridor, known as "Uptown” along Rand Road, Palatine Road, and Arlington Heights Road. The goal of the study was to create an identity for the area through streetscape and gateway opportunities. The plan sets out to accomplish this by unifying the area, as well as creating a sense of entry and presence to distinguish between other retail areas. The “Uptown” area represents approximately 24% of the Village’s total sales tax revenue and approximately 28% if automobile sales are not included. The shopping district has seen stiff competition from neighboring commercial areas. Beautifying the area will help attract new businesses and retain existing businesses while making it a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment for residents, businesses and shoppers who patronize the area. After the Village Board accepted the beatification plan, funds were budgeted in TIF V and in the General Fund in order to begin implementation.
On December 5, 2022 the Village Board approved a bid for the gateway signage for the Uptown Shopping District. The gateway signage will be located at the entry points to the area in order to identify the shopping district. The signs are currently being fabricated and installation is anticipated late summer. In addition to the signage, beatification items that include decorative crosswalks, metal banners and medians are proposed.
As part of the 2023 budget, money was budgeted for crosswalks, metal banners and medians within the Uptown beautification area. The Department of Planning and Community Development issued a request for proposals in order to obtain estimates from consultants for engineering services. The consultant will be tasked with developing permit plans for IDOT and the preparation of construction documents/bid package.
The engineering consultant will be funded by TIF 5 and the General Fund, which both include funds for Uptown beautification for this purpose in the current fiscal year budget.
#264-4001-571.50-30 – Road Projects (Rand Road Corridor Identification enhancement)- $251,000
#401-4001-571.50-30 – Road Projects (Rand Road Corridor Identification enhancement)- $189,000
Christopher B. Burke Engineering - $60,162
Engineering Resource Associates - $115,280
BLA - $132,877
Hampton Lenzini Renwick - $149,405
Christopher Burke is the lowest consultant response. Christopher B. Burke Engineering has successfully completed various other projects for the Village.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering for engineering services for the Uptown crosswalks, metal banners and Rand Road medians for the amount of $60,162 to be funded from the Rand Road Corridor Identification Enhancement funds. The project would be funded from account # 264-4001-571.50-30 and account #401-4001-571.50-30.
The consultant has been determined to be responsible and the proposal meets the specifications.