Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Arlington Gateway - 2355 S. Arlington Heights Rd. - Early Review
Department: Planning & Community Development

Project Background

Bradford Allen is the owner of several properties at the southeast corner of Arlington Heights Road and Algonquin Road and is working with Moceri + Rozsak (as the project architect/developer) on a redevelopment concept for this area. Together, they have submitted a letter requesting an Early Review by the Village Board. The Early Review Process, instituted by the Village Board in March 2001, allows developers under certain circumstances consistent with the stated Guidelines of Early Review, to present projects to the Board in order to gauge the acceptability of the development proposal. It should be understood that the results of the Village Board Early Review do not commit the Village to approving or denying a development proposal if and when the proposal moves through the formal zoning entitlement process. It is simply an opportunity for a developer to obtain a degree of preliminary feedback from the Board.

The overall subject property consists of several parcels of land located in the southeast corner of Arlington Heights Road and Algonquin Road, which totals approximately 16.4 acres in size and would be redeveloped in several phases. Phase I, which is the primary component of this Early Review, is situated at the hard corner of Arlington Heights Road and Algonquin Road and is located on a parcel of land approximately 3.65 acres in size. This site is currently occupied by three single-story commercial buildings and a five-story office building, all of which are vacant. Existing access to the Phase I site comes from four curb cuts along Algonquin Road, three curb cuts along Arlington Heights Road, and an internal connection to Tonne Road which provides signalized full access to Algonquin Road.

The development team is proposing a mixed-use building on the Phase I site, including 300 multi-family luxury rental units and 24,668 square feet of ground floor commercial space intended for a mix of restaurant and retail/commercial tenants. In addition to the detailed conceptual plans for Phase I, the developer has prepared an overall master redevelopment plan, which is conceptual at this stage and subject to change as this project moves forward. The developer owns all of the parcels shown within Phase I. Future phases of redevelopment (requiring additional property assemblage) could include a mix of additional multi-family units with ground floor commercial spaces, rehabilitation of the former Daily Herald building as a primarily medical office building, and other possible uses. The entire redevelopment area is located within the South Arlington Heights Road Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District.


It is recommended that the Village Board evaluate the plans and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed redevelopment.
VB Early Review MemoMemorandum
Petitioner Early Review Request LetterCorrespondence
Aerial - Birdseye Exhibits
Aerial - PerspectiveExhibits
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Master PlanExhibits
Conceptual PlansExhibits
Model PicturesExhibits