Item Coversheet

Item: Digital Mobile and Portable Radios
Department: Fire Department


In September 2012, the Fire Department purchased new Motorola portable and vehicle mobile radios and accessories through the Northwest Central Dispatch System (NWCDS) group purchase program.  This purchase was necessary because NWCDS replaced their old radio system with newer-technology, and the Fire Department’s radios were not compatible with this new system.  At that time, NWCDS established a group purchase program for all community members by a bid solicitation for the required equipment.  Motorola was the successful bidder. 


The Fire Department would like to add the following to its existing inventory of radio equipment: two Motorola APX6500 vehicle mobile radios, three Motorola APX7000 portable radios, and 11 Motorola MCD5000 phone-style desksets.    


There is $43,000 budgeted in account 401-3501-572.50-15 EQ9502 for this new equipment.




It is recommended that the Village Board waive formal bidding procedures and approve the purchase of 16 radios from Motorola in Schaumburg, IL through the Northwest Central Dispatch System group purchase program for a total cost of $40,930.00.  The vendor has been determined to be responsible and meets specifications.


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: