Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution - 3rd Amendment to Agreement - Nokia Siemens
Department: Legal



Three years ago, representatives of Nokia Siemens contacted the Village requesting a partnership to help address the problem of increasing wireless needs by the general population. In August 2011, the Village entered into an agreement with Nokia Siemens for a one-year “real world” study of wireless technology.  


The wireless antenna systems are approximately 9” X 12” in size and have been installed at the top of several light poles in Downtown Arlington Heights. Nokia Siemens has been bringing customers to Downtown Arlington Heights from around the world to view and test this technology.  


In July 2012 and 2013, Nokia Siemens requested and the Village approved a one-year extension to the Agreement. Nokia Siemens is now requesting a third one-year extension.  


There are a number of benefits that should be considered with this request. By extending the partnership with Nokia Siemens, the Village will continue working with an existing large business in Arlington Heights to assist them in their business growth. Other potential benefits include being viewed as a leader on the cutting edge of technology, additional promotion of the community by Nokia Siemens to their customers and partners from around the world, and potentially increased business from visitors that Nokia Siemens brings to Downtown Arlington Heights to view this technology.    


Nokia Siemens paid the Village $10,000 per year for this test and has agreed to pay an additional $10,000 for the one-year extension.    




It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the Resolution Approving a Third Amendment to the Agreement between the Village and Nokia Siemens Network and authorize execution of the Amendment to the Agreement for a one-year extension. 

Bid Section

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Agreement - 3rd Amendment with Nokia SiemensResolution
Nokia Siemens - 3rd AmendmentAgreement