Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Compliance Tickets for Bicyclists and Penalties for Improper Use of Parking Facilities
Department: Police

The Police Department is requesting a changes to Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of Arlington Heights as it relates to rules and regulations regarding bicycle traffic and the use of Village parking facilities. 


The first changes pertain to the adoption of section 625 ILCS 5/11-1502 - Traffic Laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles as a Compliance Warning Ticket, thereby establishing alternative penalties for violations as they pertain to this section. Violations under this section may be issued, at the discretion of the issuing officer, a compliance ticket under Village Code as a courtesy in lieu of instituting a prosecution in court for the alleged offense. Should the violator provide proof of appropriate compliance for the alleged violation, no fine shall be assessed and the violation considered resolved.  


The second change pertains to clean-up language for penalties associated with violations of Section 18-216 - Regulations for Village Parking Facilities. 



It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the proposed amendments to Chapter 18, Article VI Section 18-601 - Compliance Warning Tickets, Section 18-602 -  Alternative Penalties Compliance Warning Tickets and Chapter 18, Article II Section 18-216 Regulations for Village Parking Facilities of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code. 

Ordinance Compliance Tickets for Bicycles and Penalties for Improper Use of Parking FacilitiesOrdinance