The Police Department is requesting adoption of an ordinance to Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of Arlington Heights as it relates to rules and regulations regarding traffic during special events.
The proposed ordinance makes it unlawful to operate a vehicle or bicycle within a right-of-way closed to such traffic during special events sponsored or approved by the Village. Currently, no statutes or ordinances exist which prohibit such activities. Absence of an appropriate enforcement method presents a challenge to law enforcement charged with ensuring the safety of patrons during such events. The ordinance would allow officers to cite individuals riding bicycles or motor vehicles through areas with significant pedestrian traffic during special events when voluntary compliance cannot be achieved. The ordinance will further allow appropriate regulatory signage prohibiting bicycle or vehicle traffic, if posted, to be enforceable by officers.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the proposed ordinance to Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-314 - Traffic During Special Events of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code.