Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance -Removal of amendments and adopting appendices to the basic Building, Plumbing and Fire Code
Department: Building & Life Safety

Ordinance - Removal of amendments and adopting the appendices to the basic Building, Plumbing and Fire Code.


At the July 24, 2023 meeting of the Building Code Review Board, discussed was the removal of amendments and adopting the appendices to the basic Building, Plumbing and Fire Code.  


The International Code Council develops construction and public safety codes through a governmental consensus process. This system of code development has provided the highest level of safety in the world for more than 90 years. The International Code Council is the largest international association of building safety professionals. The Code Council is the trusted source of model codes and standards that establish the baseline for building safety globally and create a level playing field for builders and manufacturers. International Code Council building safety solutions draw directly from the expertise developed in authoring the international codes and standards and apply that to product evaluation, accreditation, certification, codification, training, and technology.  Staff believes that basic model code has been tested for the minimum building codes and is proven to work well.


Section 27-101 Adoption of the 2018 International Fire Code. There is hereby adopted by reference the 2018 Edition of the International Fire Code (IFC), except as modified by Section 27-102 of this Article. Appendix D is specifically adopted.


Ch 27 2018IFC Adopting:

·        Appendix B Fire-flow Requirements

·        Appendix C Fire Hydrant Locations & Distribution

By adopting the above, we will be able to enforced as the minimum requirements.


Chapter 23 Removal of Village Amendments:

Section 23-903 Modification by Amendment of Certain Sections of the Illinois Plumbing Code. The Illinois Plumbing Code adopted by this Article is modified for use in the Village by the following amendments, which amendments are given section numbers identical to the Illinois Plumbing Code. Subpart E: Interceptors- Separators and Backwater Valves.



Section 890.510: Grease Interceptor Requirements.

Add the following paragraph after the first paragraph in the section: When a Type 1 Grease Hood is utilized in a commercial kitchen, as specified in the International Mechanical Code, and external grease trap shall be required. Minimum external grease trap size as specified in the State of Illinois Plumbing Code of 2014, Section 890, Appendix E, Subpart E, Illustration B, Typical Grease Trap. Section 890.510(a)(2) Add the following sentence: Minimum interior grease trap size shall be 50 GPM (gallons per minute) and shall be installed with removable cover set flush with the finished floor in a readily accessible area for regular maintenance and inspection. The installation of a (“50 GPM” or “properly sized”) grease trap is required in any location which contains a Type II grease hood as required in the International Mechanical Code.



Section 890.510: Grease Interceptor Requirements.

Add the following paragraph after the first paragraph in the section: When a Type 1 Grease Hood is utilized in a commercial kitchen, as specified in the International Mechanical Code, and external grease trap shall be required. Minimum external grease trap size as specified in the State of Illinois Plumbing Code of 2014, Section 890, Appendix E, Subpart E, Illustration B, Typical Grease Trap. Section 890.510(a)(2) Add the following sentence: Minimum interior grease trap size shall be 50 GPM (gallons per minute) and shall be installed with removable cover set flush with the finished floor in a readily accessible area for regular maintenance and inspection. The installation of a (“50 GPM” or “properly sized”) grease trap is required in any location which contains a Type II grease hood as required in the International Mechanical Code.


This amendment should be removed from the Village Code due to this is more of a maintenance issue not a plumbing code.



Subpart F: Plumbing Fixtures

Section 890.680 Lavatories. Add the following sentence as the first sentence of the section: Lavatories/hand sinks are required in all commercial kitchens and examining rooms used by physicians, dentists, chiropractors and other medical practitioners, as well as massage therapists, aestheticians and any other business that require direct contact with the skin.



Subpart F: Plumbing Fixtures

Section 890.680 Lavatories. Add the following sentence as the first sentence of the section: Lavatories/hand sinks are required in all commercial kitchens and examining rooms used by physicians, dentists, chiropractors and other medical practitioners, as well as massage therapists, aestheticians and any other business that require direct contact with the skin.


This amendment should be removed from the Village code the state plumbing code is sufficient.


Regulations and Standards for One- and Two-Family Dwellings

Section 23-201 Adoption of the 2018 International Residential Code and Appendices for One-and Two-Family Dwellings. There is hereby adopted by reference the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (IRC), including Appendices J, K, M, and O, except as modified by Section 23-202 of this Article. In the event that a detail of the construction or regulation is not covered by the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code, the provisions of Article III of this Chapter shall apply.



Add: M1602.3 Return air inlets. Unless approved by the Building Official in writing, non-central return air inlets shall be installed both high and low in each room where return inlets are installed.


Add:M1602.3 Return air inlets. Unless approved by the Building Official in writing, non-central return air inlets shall be installed both high and low in each room where return inlets are installed.

This should be removed as it is more of a design factor than code enforcement.



It is recommended that the Village Board move to adopt an Ordinance making the amendments to the Arlington Heights Fire Code, and to make the deletions to the Arlington Heights Building & Plumbing Code; and to approve the Ordinance prepared by the Village Attorney.  



Draft Minutes of July 24, 2023 BCRB Mtg.Minutes
Ordinance Ordinance