Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Arlington Towne Square PUD Amendment - 15-189 W Golf Rd. / PC#23-006
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


1. Amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance 09-019 to allow a modified parking variation.

2. Special Use Permits for 3 Restaurants.

Variations Requested

1. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.4-2 (Schedule of Parking Requirements) to allow 308 spaces where 386 spaces are required (Deficit of 78).

2. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.8 (Schedule of Bicycle Parking Requirements), to allow 6 bicycle parking spaces where 47 bicycle parking spaces are required (Deficit of 47.)

3. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1 (Traffic Engineering Approval for Projects Requiring Plan Commission Review) to waive the requirement to provide a traffic study and parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional engineer.). 


A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 9, 2023 where Commissioner Cherwin moved and Commissioner Green seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#23-006, an Amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance 09-019 to allow a modified parking variation, Special Use Permits for three restaurants, and the following variations:


1. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.4-2 (Schedule of Parking Requirements) to allow 308 spaces where 386 spaces are required (Deficit of 78).

2. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.8 (Schedule of Bicycle Parking Requirements), to allow 6 bicycle parking spaces where 47 bicycle parking spaces are required (Deficit of 41.)

3. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1 (Traffic Engineering Approval for Projects Requiring Plan Commission Review) to waive the requirement to provide a traffic study and parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional engineer.

This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:


1. In the event the parking is deemed insufficient, as determined by the Village, the Owner of Arlington Towne Square Shopping Center shall have 90 days from the Village's written notification to install the 12 parking stalls.


2. The petitioner shall install 6 bicycle parking spaces in a location satisfactory to the Village by November 1, 2023.

3. In the event bicycle parking is deemed insufficient, as determined by the Village, the Owner of Arlington Towne Square Shopping Center shall have 90 days from the Village's written notification to install code compliant bicycle parking infrastructure as deemed appropriate by the Village.

4. All conditions within Ordinance 09-019 shall remain in full effect. 

5. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Green, Drost, Jensen, Sigalos, and Chair Dawson voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 8-9-23 - DRAFTMinutes
Project DescriptionExhibits
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Site & Floor PlansExhibits
Market StudyExhibits
2009 Parking Expansion Concept PlanExhibits
Petitioner Parking SurveyExhibits
Written Response to Special Use Permit CriteriaExhibits
Written Response to Zoning Variation CriteriaExhibits
Ord. 09-019Ordinance
Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseCorrespondence
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits