Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Paragon Mechanical - 2400 S. Arlington Heights Rd. - PC#22-010
Department: Planning & Community Development


In December of 2022, the petitioner (Paragon Mechanical) appeared before the Village Board with a request to amend Ordinance 20-022, which granted a temporary 2-year Land Use Variation to allow a contractor shop on the subject property. Specifically, the petitioners request was to modify condition #3 and eliminate condition #8 of Ordinance 20-022.  

After discussion of this request, the Village Board continued the application and asked the petitioner and staff to collaborate on an improved landscape plan for the property, including a firm date for when the plan will be implemented.  The attached Board memo summarizes these discussions and revised recommendation.  


Below is the original Plan Commission report:


Requested Action


1. Amendment to LUV Ordinance #20-022, to modify condition #3 and to eliminate condition #8.


Variations Required


1. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(a), to waive the requirement for a 3’ tall parking lot perimeter landscape screen along Arlington Heights Road.


2. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(b), to allow certain parking rows to terminate without the code required curbed landscape island including a 4” caliper shade tree.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on November 9, 2022 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees denial of PC #22-019, an amendment to Land Use Variation Ordinance #20-022 to modify condition number three and eliminate condition number eight, as well as the following variations:


1. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(a), to waive the requirement for a three-foot tall parking lot perimeter landscape screen along Arlington Heights Road.


2. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(b), to allow certain parking rows to terminate without the code-required curbed landscape island including a four-inch caliper shade tree.



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Green, Sigalos, Drost, and Chair Warskow vote in favor.  Commissioners Jensen and Lorenzini vote against.  Motion to deny carried.

Village Board Memo - 9/18/23Memorandum
Ord. 20-022 Land Use VariationOrdinance
Village Board Minutes 12/5/22Minutes
Village Board Memo - 12/5/22Memorandum
PC Minutes 11/9/22Minutes
PC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
Project DescriptionCorrespondence
Plat of SurveyExhibits
VB Minutes from 2020 LUV ApprovalMinutes
PC Minutes from 2020 LUV ApprovalMinutes
Phased Landscape Plan per 2020 LUV ApprovalExhibits
Future Redevelopment Renderings from 2020 LUV ApprovalExhibits
Paragon Landscape ProposalExhibits
Cost Estimate - Removal of Safety Town & Install of 4 Shade TreesExhibits
Cost Estimate - Repair of Parking LotExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseCorrespondence
Department Comments - Round 2Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 2 - Petitioner ResponseCorrespondence
Department Comments - Round 3Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 3 - Petitioner ResponseCorrespondence
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits