The approved 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $1.9 million and the approved 2024 CIP includes $1.7 million in funding for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program. The Village has an active, long-term program that proposes the replacement of approximately 4,500 lead service lines by 2044, as required through the Illinois Public Act 102-0613. The Public Works Department evaluated and prioritized the project scope and location based on service reliability, neighborhood impacts, and alignment with associated capital construction projects. The proposed project includes the replacement of 462 lead service lines within the Village rights-of-way.
Staff combined the 2023 and 2024 funding identified for this project and held a bid opening now to increase project quantities and leverage late year bidding to secure favorable pricing. As a result, the newly bid project resulted in better pricing than was experienced during the mid-summer project letting earlier this year. Staff is anticipating the contractor beginning work this fall and progressing through the winter into 2024, under conditions identified in the specifications.
This project was duly advertised, and 13 bid proposals were publicly opened on September 20, 2023. The bid documents included, in part; replacement of 462 varied-sized service replacements, pavement rehabilitation, restoration, and traffic control measures.
Five Star Energy Services $2,964,990.00
Mauro Sewer Construction $3,289,772.00
Airy's Inc. $3,424,990.00
Trine Construction Corp. $3,500,000.00
John Neri Construction $4,532,555.00
Bolders Contractors, Inc. $4,578,810.00
Joel Kennedy Construction $4,796,532.00
J. Congden Sewer Service $5,220,594.00
Pan-Oceanic Engineering $5,527,591.30
Millennium Contracting $5,341,056.00
IHC Construction $5,046,036.00
Benchmark Contruction $5,438,000.00
Holiday Sewer and Water $5,775,000.00
Five Star Energy Services was the lowest responsible bidder at $2,964,990. The Village's Design Engineer and Staff have reviewed Five Star's qualifications and references and have found them to be favorable, (Letter of Recommendation is attached).
Funds are available for this project in Account No. 506-9001-550250 (WA2001).
Staff recommends the Village Board approve the multi-year contract to replace lead service lines to Five Star Energy Services of Waukesha, Wisconsin, in an amount not-to-exceed the budgeted allocations per year and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.