Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Vehicle Purchases - Police Department
Department: Public Works

The proposed 2024 Capital Budget allocates $132,300 to replace aging Police vehicles. The decision to replace these vehicles is necessitated by the fact that the existing three Police vehicles have exceeded their useful life for Police activations and are over five years of age. According to Village guidelines, these aging vehicles will either be repurposed to other Departments or surplused.

Staff leveraged competitive pricing through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program contract with the National Auto Fleet Group. Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative similar to NWMC that uses multiple government agencies and collaborative purchasing to obtain more competitive bid pricing. The total cost of $101,068.80 for the three vehicles is within the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024. The remaining funding available in this account will be used to purchase an electric vehicle for the Public Service Officer (PSO) fleet. Staff continues to observe long anticipated build times with vehicle orders and believes that even though funding is not available until next year, an order should be placed now for these vehicles to take delivery in late 2024 or even early 2025.

Staff recommends the purchase of the three vehicles through the Sourcewell purchasing contract with National Auto Fleet Group, in an amount not-to-exceed $101,068.80.


Funds are anticipated to be available in the 2024 Fleet Budget, Account No. 621-9003-550050  VH9503.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of three vehicles through the Sourcewell purchasing contract with National Auto Fleet Group, in an amount not exceed $101,068.80 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.