Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Historical Museum Campus - Roof Replacement
Department: Public Works

The approved 2023 Capital Improvement Plan includes $22,547.38 for maintenance-related activities for the historical museum campus and $288,900 for roofing repair and replacement projects for Village-owned facilities. 

The Public Works Department manages a ten-year roof replacement plan. One of the projects identified this year was the mechanical roof at the Pop Factory. The findings of an onsite roofing assessment conducted early in the year align with this project occurring in 2023. Further, water intrusion issues have been associated with the historical clay tile coping caps and flashing failing on this section of the pop factory roof. They will be addressed within the scope of this project. The roof will be entirely replaced with commercial-grade materials, new gravel, and new flashings. The existing copper flashing along the southern facade will be re-soldered to keep the building envelope watertight. Finally, the timing of this project will coincide with an in-house project to replace the failed rooftop units that provide cooling and supplemental heating to the pop factory facility. This replacement project will complete the building's roofing system, as the lower roofing system was replaced nearly five years ago. 

During the roof assessment earlier this year, staff observed several other minor roofing repair needs in the historic museum campus, which were included as alternate bid items for the pop factory roof replacement. These smaller projects include new gutter systems for the Muller and Coach House and the replacement of all rotten wooden trim and fascia. The porch on the Banta House will be cleared of all debris and resealed to stop all potential water entry points. The exposed front facade rafter tails will also be restored. All replacements will be period-correct for each facility. 

Garland/DBS, Inc. conducted a competitive process for obtaining quotes through OMNIA Partners - Public Sector (Formerly U.S. Communities) to obtain a lower market-adjusted project cost. As a result, three contractors submitted quotes for the project:

Pop Factory Mechanical Roof
CIC Corporation - $123,554
BA Lighting LLC - $126,370
Restco Roofing - $128,986

Muller and Coach House Alternate Bid #1
CIC Corporation - $51,121

Banta House Alternate Bid #2
CIC Corporation - $27,498

The Village's roofing consultant, Garland/DBS, Inc., has worked with CIC Corporation and recommends approval. Therefore, Public Works staff recommends an award to CIC Corporation via Garland/DBS, Inc., for a total cost of $202,173.

Funds for this work are available in Account No. BL9506-Roof Maintenance Program ($179,633) and Account No. BL9604-Historical Society Building Repairs ($22,540). 



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the contract with Garland/DBS, Inc. of Racine County, Wisconsin, and OMNIA Partners Purchasing Cooperative for a complete roofing replacement with alternate items at the historical museum campus in an amount not-to-exceed $202,173.