Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Police Department - Parking Enforcement LPR System
Department: Police

The Police Department is seeking approval for the acquisition of a second mobile automated license plate recognition (LPR) system for use during parking enforcement operations, specifically in the downtown business area. The current parking LPR system has been deployed in the Police Department fleet for nearly 5 years and has proven operationally effective. Since 2019, the manual method of chalking tires for limited time parking enforcement has been subject to numerous class action lawsuits alleging the practice constitutes a search under the 4th Amendment. Utilization of the automated LPR system does not fall under the scope of current decisions and remains the most economical and efficient method to enforce not only limited time parking zones, but also commuter pay lots, permits and scofflaw violations. The decision to include a second parking LPR system is further necessitated for circumstances wherein vehicle or equipment maintenance places the technology out of service for an extended period of time. 


FY23 Capital Projects Fund included a budgeted amount of $34,000 for the acquisition of a parking LPR System (401-3001-550150). The Police Department is recommending the acquisition of the Genetec AutoVu Mobile Overtime Parking System through Minuteman Security and Life Safety to ensure seamless compatibility with the currently deployed system and peripheral integrations.




It is recommended the Village Board approve the purchase of the Genetec Parking LPR System from Minuteman Security and Life Safety (Tinley Park, Illinois) in the amount of $30,313.00, waive formal bidding procedures and authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement in accordance with the proposal. Sufficient funds currently exist in the Police Capital Projects Fund (401-3001-550150) Other Equipment.