On December 5, 2022, the Village Board approved a final balancing change order for Neri Construction, the contractor for the Berkley/Hintz Infrastructure Improvement Project. The total cost of the project, including the balancing change order was $6,128,234, which ended up being $393,021 under the awarded contract amount.
In addition to the construction contract, an engineering contract was awarded to CMT in the amount of $375,224 for construction design, bidding, and observations services, which included one design contract amendment. The design for this project actually began in late 2019 and was impacted and delayed by a variety of factors including increased rates and covid. Throughout, Staff worked with the engineer to evaluate anticipated additional costs as the project was progressing in an effort to complete the project and eliminate the lane closures and detours prior to winter.
As the Board may recall, staff provided a status update of changes required during the construction of this project, two significant changes were required. The first change was to allow for the construction of a new sanitary sewer line to eliminate a conflict between residential sanitary services and the main storm sewer line originally planned. The second significant issue arose during the main storm sewer connection that occurred in the middle of the Arlington Heights Road and Hintz Road intersection. The depth of the existing water main caused another utility conflict that required the relocation of the water main. All of this intersection construction required significant lane closures and detours that lasted much longer than originally anticipated. Despite best efforts, the intersection detour had to remain active almost a month longer than originally planned, which pushed the completion date back approximately six weeks.
These two issues alone added approximately $500,000 to the project cost and resulted in a project delay of approximately 30 days. Staff notified the Village Board of these changes and predicted associated costs in October of 2022. Staff also estimated that these extra costs would not exceed the original project contract award, resulting from savings realized in other aspects of the project. Since that time, the engineer and staff have been finalizing project costs and agreed on final engineering costs associated with project changes, which were related to: increased roadway rehabilitation, traffic specification and plan revisions, sanitary and water main design and inspection services, project final inspections, and services beyond the original contract. Negotiations between the Engineer and the Staff resulted in a final agreed to cost of $142,395, which was reduced by approximately $100,000 or 55% less than the engineer’s original request.
The remaining engineering invoice to finalize the Berkley/Hintz project is for $162.015.84 ($142,395 change order, plus $19,620.84 remaining on original contract). After finalization of this balancing final invoice, staff confirmed that the final engineering costs associated with this project were $517,619. The engineering costs were approximately 8% of the total project cost, which is far below the typical engineering costs associated with a project of this scale and scope. After this final project close-out, including all engineering expenses, has resulted in a final surplus of $231,005.16, under the budgeted amount.
Funds for this final project invoice are available in the Capital Projects Fund - Account No. 401-7101-550300 (ST 9008) and Account No. 426-7101-550250 (SW 2001).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve this Final Payment for the Consulting Engineer’s contract for the Berkley/Hintz Infrastructure Improvement Project to Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Aurora, Illinois, in the amount of $162.015.84 and authorize Staff to execute and finalize the necessary documents.