Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Euclid Avenue Resurfacing - Phase 1 IGA (City of Rolling Meadows)
Department: Public Works



On October 12, 2022, the Euclid Ave Resurfacing project was approved for $3.5 Million in Federal STP-L Program construction funding through the Northwest Council of Mayors. The project consists of the resurfacing of Euclid Avenue from Rohlwing Road to Rand Road, the full replacement of the existing traffic signal located at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Wilke Road, and the resurfacing of the bike path along Euclid’s south side between Salt Creek and Wilke Road which is owned and maintained by the City of Rolling Meadows. Between Rohlwing Road and Wilke Road, Euclid Avenue is within the corporate limits of Rolling Meadows. The road sections of Euclid Avenue from Rohlwing Road to Walnut Avenue, and from Waterman Avenue to Rand Road are under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Department of Transportation & Highways (CCDOTH) who is also a funding partner with the Village on this project.


On June 20, 2023, the Village board approved a contract for the Euclid Avenue Resurfacing – Phase 1 Engineering Services with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., for a cost not to exceed $302,084.


The requested action would authorize the approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Arlington Heights and the City of Rolling Meadows for the Phase 1 Engineering study costs associated with the resurfacing of the bike path from Salt Creek to Wilke Road.


The Village will act as the lead Local Agency and the City of Rolling Meadows will fully reimburse the Village $4,585.00.


The City of Rolling Meadows is scheduled to approve this Intergovernmental Agreement at their next City Council meeting.





It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village and the City of Rolling Meadows.

Euclid Avenue Resurfacing Phase 1 - IGA Resolution (City of Rolling Meadows_Resolution
Euclid Avenue Resurfacing - Phase 1 IGA (City of Rolling Meadows)Agreement