Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Budget Amendment Ordinance Approval and Demolition of Structures - Contract Award
Department: Public Works

The structures on the site of 1401 W. Palatine Road have been deemed unsafe and left in a dangerous condition. Over the past several years, the Village has been working with the owners and neighbors of the property to remedy its current condition. 


On March 10, 2023, the Village received final court authorization to demolish the structures on site and restore the property. On October 16, 2023, the Village held a public bid opening for demolition of the structures and restoration of the site located at 1401 W. Palatine Road. The Village will lien the property for all associated demolition expenses after the work is completed.


Four bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The bid totals are as follows:




Anthem Excavation & Demolition Inc. $57,549

Langos Corp. $64,500

Fowler Enterprises LLC $80,500

Green Demo $89,500


Anthem Excavation & Demolition is the apparent lowest bid.  The Village did receive a complaint against Anthem from the IIC regarding 1st notice for failure to pay prevailing wages. The Village Attorney has reviewed the complaint but has determined the bidder has not been barred from bidding and is still eligible for award. Staff has contacted all of Anthem's references and received favorable reviews and therefore recommends the following actions:


*Amend the Property Maintenance Account #101-7001-521100 in the amount of $57,600.   


*Approve the contract award to Anthem Excavation & Demolition Inc. in the amount of $57,549 for the demolition of the structures and restoration of the site at 1401 W. Palatine Road.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the contract for Demolition of the structures and Restoration of the site at 1401 W. Palatine Road to Anthem Excavation & Demolition Inc. of Itasca, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $57,549 and approve the attached Ordinance amending the 2023 Budget in the amount of $57,600 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Ordinance - 1401 W Palatine Rd DemoOrdinance