At the October 16, 2023 Village Board meeting, discussion took place regarding the creation of a new type of liquor license classification that would allow a package liquor store the ability to serve a limited number of drinks to be consumed as part of an educational class.
The creation of a new supplemental liquor license would attract a new business seeking to open a package liquor and cocktail kit supply store, “Cocktail Boutique”, in Arlington Heights. Their business model envisions an upscale boutique providing all the ingredients needed to host an at-home cocktail party in the form of packaged products. Additionally, the store would like to regularly host ticketed cocktail mixology classes to educate and broaden their attendees’ comfort level of at-home cocktail preparation.
In addition, an existing liquor license holder who has a package liquor license classification also expressed interest in being able to offer limited on-premise consumption for educational classes for those that want to learn more about wine or champagne.
At the October 16 meeting there was consensus by the Village Board in support of modifying the liquor code to create a new liquor classification to allow limited on-premise consumption for certain establishments as part of an educational class or event. Staff was directed to draft a new Ordinance.
The attached draft Ordinance will create a new supplemental alcoholic beverage educational class liquor license classification. The new supplemental license will authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises, by holders of a Class “B” or Class “BB” license, but only in accordance with the following:
-Class “B”/“BB” Supplemental licenses may only be issued to holders of Class "B or Class “BB” licensees that are engaged in the primary business of package liquor stores.
-Alcoholic beverages may be sold for consumption on the premises only as part of a ticketed alcoholic beverage educational class or workshop.
-The class or workshop must be conducted within a designated portion of the licensed premises that is separated from the primary area in which the licensee conducts retail sales of alcoholic liquor.
-All class and workshop instructors must be BASSET-certified, in compliance with Section 13-204 of this Code.
-Not more than three servings of alcoholic liquor may be sold or served by the licensee to any person for consumption on the premises on any calendar day.
-No person may be permitted to attend more than one ticketed class or workshop on any calendar day.
-No alcoholic liquor may be sold for consumption on the premises before 9:00a.m. or after 10:00p.m. on any day.
-The licensee must provide, or offer for sale, food for consumption on the premises.
-Class “BB” licensees may not sell or serve any alcoholic liquor other than beer and wine.
The annual license fee for this “B/BB” Supplemental classification will be $650.00
Staff is recommending that the Village Board approve the Ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code to create a supplemental alcoholic beverage educational class liquor license classification as drafted.