Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution Approving Final Design Agreement for Algonquin Road Sewer Capacity Improvement
Department: Public Works

In 2022, a capacity sewer study was conducted by the Village's sewer consultant RJN Group, Inc. for the South Arlington Heights Road Corridor. The report identified several sewer sections that do not have efficient sewer capacity to handle normal wet weather flows.  


A preliminary design study was authorized by the Village Board in March of 2023, using information from the 2022 study. The design study modeled the current capacity and incorporated future use. The design study also identified the most advantageous route for a new sewer line, which has been preliminarily approved by both IDOT and MWRD.  Staff is attempting to meet the schedule demands of potential developers in the area. 


The next step in the process is to complete final design of the sewers; meet with numerous agencies to receive appropriate approvals; as well as minimize impact to residents and commuters in the area.  The proposed plan is to install a parallel 27" sewer in the right westbound lane on Algonquin Road from Cedar Glen to the MWRD interceptor sewer line located on Busse Road. The proposed final design contract includes developer construction documents, providing an engineer's estimate, as well as providing bidding assistance to the Village. If approved, final design is expected in the 3rd quarter of 2024.


Funds for these services are available in Account #267-4001-550250 ($102,600) South Arlington Heights Road TIF, #263-4001-520050 ($34,200) TIF 4, and #505-9001-550250 (SW2401) ($136,800).


It is recommended that the Village Board approve the final design agreement with RJN Group, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $273,600 for the FY2024 budget and approve the attached Resolution relating to this agreement.

Resolution Approving Final Design Agreement for Algonquin Rd. Sewer Capacity ImprovementResolution
AH Algonquin Sewer Capacity Improvements - Revisded Design Proposal - RJN Agreement