Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Replacement of Office Chairs
Department: ISD

Village staff are seeking Village Board approval to purchase 64 new desk chairs for four departments. These various departments have expressed the need to purchase new office chairs as current equipment is original to the building and is failing due to regular wear and tear after 15 plus years. At this time, Integrated Services, Human Resources, Finance and Building & Life Safety Departments are scheduled to purchase replacement office chairs for staff.


Staff was able to leverage competitive pricing through OMNIA Partners, a nation-wide purchasing group that ensures competitive pricing in government purchasing contracts. Chairs will be ordered through the same office furniture supply company that the Village used to furnish Village Hall when it was constructed, Henricksen & Company. The total cost of the 64 replacement office chairs is $36,143.77 and includes labor and delivery.


Funds are available in the Capital Projects Fund for the purchase of this office equipment.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of 64 Office Chairs from Henricksen & Company of Itasca, IL in an amount not-to-exceed $36,143.77 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.