Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: 716 N. Dunton Ave. - SF/Teardown - DC#23-051 - Appeal
Department: Planning & Community Development Department

Requested Action


Appeal of the Design Commission denial for a proposed new (teardown) single-family residence.




A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on October 10, 2023 where Commissioner Eckhardt moved and Commissioner Kingsley seconded, a motion to deny the proposed demolition of the existing single-family residence located at 716 N. Dunton Avenue, and the construction of a new single-family home.


Staff's recommendation for denial is based on the analysis and that the proposal does not comply with the requirements and standards of the Village of Arlington Heights Comprehensive Plan, the Single-Family Design Guidelines, the 2004 School of the Art Institute Community Preservation Report, State of Illinois Historic Structures Survey, Chapter 28 Section 28-2 Intent and Purpose 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3, Chapter 28 Section 13.2 Design Review c.1 & 2.a & b, Chapter 28 Section 13.7.a, b. & c., and the following: 

1. The proposed redevelopment is not in compliance with Chapter 28, Section 13.7.a, b. & c.  The existing historic house should remain and be preserved based on its significant architectural, historical, aesthetic, and cultural value.

2. This review deals with architectural design only and should not be construed to be an approval of, or to have any other impact on, any other zoning and/or land use issues or decisions that stem from zoning, building, signage or any other reviews. In addition to the normal technical review, permit drawings will be reviewed for consistency with the Design Commission and any other Commission or Board approval conditions.  It is the architect/homeowner/builder’s responsibility to comply with the Design Commission approval and ensure that building permit plans comply with all zoning code, building permit and signage requirements.



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Fitzgerald, Eckhardt, Kingsley, Seyer and Chair Kubow voted in favor of the motion to deny.  Motion carried.

Petitioner AppealCorrespondence
Design Commission Appeal ProcessExhibits
DC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
DC Minutes - 10/10/23Minutes
Existing Conditions Report 10-4-23Correspondence
Letter to Petitioner 8-23-23Correspondence
Public Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Public Comments - Round 2Correspondence
Community Preservation ReportReport