On November 6, 2023, the Village Board awarded the 2023 Beverly Lane Reconstruction / Water Main Rockwell Street Rehabilitation / Combined Sewer & Ridge Avenue Reconstruction / Storm Sewer to RW Dunteman Company in the amount of $2,972,00. This project is in addition to the Village's annual street programs and is partially funded through in State and Federal grant funds.
Since 2015, the Engineering Division of Public Works has successfully utilized a consulting firm to assist with construction inspection for the annual Street Resurfacing and Reconstruction Programs, which will continue this year. After evaluating this project, based on its scale and number of different elements (water main, combined sewer, and storm sewer installation) it is necessary to secure Construction Engineering Services to ensure compliance with project specifications, grant reporting requirements, and the multiple permitting agencies (IEPA and MWRD).
On March 6, 2023, the Village Board awarded a one-year Engineering Services contract for Construction Inspection for the Resurfacing Program and MFT Reconstruction Program to Doland Engineering, LLC of Palatine, IL, which Staff will be recommending for extension under a separate Board action. To maintain continuity, Staff requested Doland Engineering, LLC provide an additional proposal for construction oversite and grant management services for the Beverly Lane, Rockwell Street, and Ridge Avenue project.
Construction Engineering Services are typically estimated to cost 8% to 12% of the contract cost. Doland Engineering, LLC and Staff will coordinate efforts between this project and the 2024 Road Programs, to reduce expenses. Staff has met with Doland and negotiated not-to-exceed fees of $159,536 which represents 5.37% of construction costs.
Funding is included in the current budget Capital Projects Fund account number 401-7101-550300 (ST9008).
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to Doland Engineering, LLC of Palatine, Illinois, for Construction Inspection Professional Engineering Services for the 2023 DCEO-MFT Beverly Lane, Rockwell Street, and Ridge Avenue project, at the not-to-exceed amount of $159,536 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.