Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: IDOT Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Maintenance Funds - 2024 Traffic Signal Maintenance
Department: Public Works

As part of the 2024 operating budget, the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) account included funds for Contractual Traffic Signal Maintenance. Attached is the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Motor Fuel Tax Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code, which must be filed with IDOT, appropriating funds for 2024 Traffic Signal Maintenance. The expenditures ($121,400) are eligible for reimbursement through the Village’s allotment of MFT funds and are defined on the required attachment.  

The IDOT manages a contract for maintenance of all traffic signals under their jurisdiction within the Village limits. This expense represents the Village’s obligation for its percentage of maintenance performed on State jurisdiction intersections, under the IDOT contract.

The 2024 Budget identifies two expenditures from the MFT account. The Village is required to adopt a resolution for each, annually, in order to expend money from the MFT account.  The other line item is for the Road Rehabilitation Project, and Staff will bring a separate resolution to the Village Board for approval, in advance or in conjunction with that project award.


Funding for this expenditure will come from the Public Works MFT Account No. 211-7101-550400 Project # SG0302.




It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and appropriate $121,400 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary submittals.  

IDOT Resolution - Traffic Signal MaintenanceResolution