The 2024 annual operating budget includes $138,000 for the complete removal of parkway trees, due to storms, hazardous conditions, or natural decline. Annually, Public Works Staff contractually removes approximately 450 parkway trees. This work and contract is completed in conjunction with the stump removal and landscape restoration contract.
On January 23, 2024, the Village held a public bid opening for Parkway Tree Removal and Emergency Tree Work. Five bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The total bid prices are listed below:
Homer Tree Care, Inc. $ 72,610
Clean Cut Tree Service $ 87,775
Advanced Tree Care $ 81,195
Lucas Landscaping and Design $ 100,700
Hendricksen Tree $ 148,515
Staff anticipates utilizing $69,000 of the $138,000 budget on the contract. While Staff will attempt to complete contractual work within budget parameters, should the work exceed this budget amount, there are sufficient operational funds to cover the overage of $3,610. The terms of the contract are for three years. The contract also stipulates an hourly emergency rate for tree removal assistance during natural disasters.
The Village has worked with Homer Tree Care in the past and has been satisfied their scheduling and quality of work and recommends approval.
Funds are available for these services in Account No. 101-7101-521550.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a three-year contract for Parkway Tree Removal and Emergency Tree Work to the lowest responsible bidder, Homer Tree Care Inc. of Lockport, Illinois, at unit bid prices, not-to-exceed $72,610 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.