Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Concrete Flatwork - MPI Contract Award 2024
Department: Public Works

The 2024 budget includes $377,500, split between the General Fund and the Water & Sewer Fund, for contractual Concrete Flatwork. The contract for Concrete Flatwork generally includes unit prices and procedures for restoration/construction related to street, driveway apron, sidewalk, curb and catch basin concrete work. Unit prices also include traffic control and tree grate installation. The Public Works Department has participated in the Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) to complete this joint bid process and obtain lower unit pricing with comparable organizations.  

Bids for the Concrete Flatwork were advertised and publicly opened on January 25, 2024. This MPI bid was jointly bid for the Villages of Arlington Heights, Gurnee, and Lincolnshire. The duration of the contract is proposed as a one-year initial term with the option to extend with three one-year extensions. The total bid price for all municipalities is listed below:



Everlast Blacktop       $1,228,318.90*
Globe Construction $1,259,128.30*

*This number is based upon an estimated quantity of units from the participating municipalities.

While the total costs are dependent on the actual quantities used, Public Works expenditures will not exceed the total budgeted amount. The Budget Account Numbers for this work are 101-7101-521150 ($198,000) & 505-7201-521300 ($179,500). Staff conducted reference checks as this is a new contractor, and received positive feedback, and recommends approval. 


It is recommended that the Village Board award the competitive bid received by the Municipal Partnering Initiative from the lowest responsible bidder, Everlast Blacktop of Elgin, Illinois, and approve the one-year contract issued by MPI to Everlast Blacktop for the Concrete Flatwork at bid unit prices up to the budgeted annual amount.